Palm Springs Dermatology
Treating PsA: Should I Be Seeing a Dermatologist or Rheumatologist?
It is very important to choose the right Doctor for getting treatment of Psoriatic arthritis (PSA). The selection process might be tricky it would be best to seek care or suggestion from a Dermatologist. PSA is a very complicated issue so you can seek treatment from both types of Doctors. When we talk about the Dermatologist, they primarily treat the condition related to skin that can also affect the nails and Hair.
The dermatologist should be the first choice to deal with PSA. West Dermatology Palm Springs while treating the PSA patient, the dermatologist might ask about the joint pain or stiffness as they are one of the most common factors of PSA. During the treatment, a Dermatologist will guide you about the different possible situations for dealing with itchiness and Pain. Light Therapy will be used in the dental office.
A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of all those issues related to bones, joints, and muscles including autoimmune diseases such as gout, lupus, and various forms of arthritis. It is very important to take the treatment as soon as possible if left untreated it will increase the body attacking and several health issues. You must take good care regularly by considering both dermatologist and a rheumatologist.
If you are still not sure about which one to choose you can visit West Dermatology Palm Springs and get a further recommendation. Select the one who is board certified and have extensive experience in treating PSA Patients. Consistent treatment plays a very important role to get rid of this problem. For the right psoriasis care, you must take skin expertise delivered by a dermatologist and ask a rheumatologist to treat the underlying causes of the inflammation that lead to joint pain and skin swelling.
Advantages of Visiting A Dermatologist - Skin Problems and Procedures

As someone who has had acne problems for years, I am always asked if a dermatologist is a better option than just picking a product off the shelf. The answer to that question will vary from person to person. It depends on what kind of acne you have, as well as what kind of treatment you are looking to use. So many people make the same mistake, they try to pick a cure-all "over the counter" acne solution when they should really be looking at products prescribed by a dermatologist.
A good dermatologist is able to diagnose the actual problem and come up with a treatment to get things under control quickly. Not to mention, dermatologists are well educated when it comes to skin care. On top of that, dermatologists will also evaluate your skin type and help prescribe the proper topical treatment without resulting in more acne breakouts than you already have. At times, it may even be more serious than a simple pimple.
Another thing to consider when deciding between a dermatologist and a salon is hair loss. Many people assume that a visit to a salon for nail trimming or haircut will result in hair loss. While this is sometimes a problem because the person's nails will grow back (some faster than others), this isn't usually the case with a dermatologist. Sometimes their expertise means they can reverse damage that happens to your nails faster than a normal manicure or haircut could. This could save you money and time in the long run.
When it comes to chronic skin conditions, you really need to see a dermatologist. Treatments such as acne, psoriasis, or even skin cancer can require that the condition be treated over a long period of time. A visit to a dermatologist is often needed to be able to prescribe and monitor medications. Also, a dermatologist is best to know when to go away and how to better explain your skin conditions to a patient.
Some other advantages of seeing a dermatologist include not having to take time off work. Since dermatology has become widely recognized as a separate field, not all doctors practice it. If you have a skin issue that is affecting your career, you should look into going back to school to get your degree so you can become certified in dermatology. Plus, many dermatologists attend medical school before they begin their careers so they can specialize in different areas. Dermatologists are some of the top ranked doctors in the country.
The next time you consider a visit to the dermatologist, keep these important things in mind. There are advantages to both procedures, and you will be happier choosing a dermatologist over a salon if you have sensitive skin or a chronic skin condition. You might also want to consider going into a specialty like facial or nail care. The options that a dermatologist has been almost limitless, and you can rest assured that you are in good hands.